New Membership

Membership in the Fort Worth Genealogical Society is by calendar year, from January 1st through December 31st. All members receive annually, four issues of our quarterly journal, Footprints, and eleven issues of our monthly newsletter. Those who join mid-year will receive missed issues of Footprints for the current year by downloading them from our website. Missed newsletters may also be downloaded from our website. From time to time, other items may also be published and made available.

The ten classifications of membership are: Individual, Individual +, Family, Family +, Organiation, Organization +, Sustaining, Sustaining +, Contributing. and Contributing +.  The "+" are memberships which received printed and mailed Footprints the quarterly journal.  Sustaining and Contributing Memberships are  levels of membership for those who wish to assist with additional financial support of the Society. These members are greatly appreciated, however there are no additional benefits. 

In addition to the publications received as a benefit of membership, your dues help to bring in professional speakers for our General Membership meetings and supports an Exchange Program. Our journal, Footprints, is traded for quarterlies published by other genealogical Societies across the nation. Periodicals received through this program, plus books and manuscripts presented to the Society, as well as books sent in for review in Footprints, are donated to the Genealogy Department of the Fort Worth Public Library for use by the general public.

We invite you to join us as a member of the Fort Worth Genealogical Society.

To become a member using the online form and pay using Paypal, select  the type of membership you prefer from the drop down list below and then click on the "next" button at the top or bottom of the page.

Membership Plan:
Select Membership Plan:
Membership Plans Offered:
Plan Name For Maximum Associated Members Annual Fee Description
Individual Membership Person(s) 1 $23.00 Individual membership entitles one person to attend all meetings and functions, to receive an electronic copy of the newsletter and Footprints, the quarterly journal and full access to the Member's Only section of the website.
Individual + Print Person(s) 1 $38.00 Individual + Print are for individual and organizations who wish to have a printed and mailed copy of FWGS's publications printed and mailed iin lieu of digital copies.
Household Membership Person(s) 5 $27.00 Individual membership entitles five people to attend all meetings and functions, to receive a DIGITAL copy of Footprints, the quarterly journal and full access to the Member's Only section of the website.
Household + Print Person(s) 5 $42.00 Individual membership entitles five people to attend all meetings and functions, to receive an PRINTED copy of Footprints, the quarterly journal and full access to the Member's Only section of the website.
Sustaining Membership Person(s) 1 $50.00 Sustaining memberships are for those who wish to assist with additional financial support of the Society and have the same benefits as the other classes of membership. Footprints are printed and mailed.
Sustaining + Print Person(s) 1 $65.00 Sustaining memberships are for those who wish to assist with additional financial support of the Society and have the same benefits as the other classes of membership. Footprints are delivered digitally.
Contributing Membership Person(s) 1 $250.00 Contributing membership is for those who wish to assist with additional financial support of the Society. There are no additional benefits.
Contributing + Print Person(s) 1 $265.00 Contributing membership is for those who wish to assist with additional financial support of the Society and receive PRINTED Footprints. There are no additional benefits.
Organization Membership Organization 2 $23.00 This plan allows an Organization to be a member of FWGS with two members acting on behalf of that organization. The organization has all the benefits of membership and receives Footprints digitally.
Organization + Printed Organization 2 $38.00 This plan allows an Organization to be a member of FWGS with two members acting on behalf of that organization. The organization has all the benefits of membership and receives a printed and mailed copy of Footprints.